What to do with surplus backpacks when you order in bulk quantities?

Are you thinking of buying the school backpacks from a wholesale backpack store? When you order from a wholesaler you will end up with at least an entire case of backpacks because you will not be able to order is retail quantities from your wholesaler. Many parents hesitate to approach the wholesalers even if they know that they could save a lot of money when they order from a wholesale store.

If you too are in a dilemma whether or not to go ahead with the wholesale backpacks just because you do not know what to do with the surplus backpacks stock, here are some suggestions and recommendations for you to consider. You could give away the surplus backpacks to the underprivileged kids if you have the habit of donating to the charity organizations. When you order from a wholesaler each backpack will cost just around $3 whereas for the same backpack you would be paying $25 or $30 in the retail market. Instead of paying ten times more to a retailer you could let the underprivileged kids enjoy the benefit. Think about it!

Every year you are likely to be spending a lot of money buying gifts for your loved ones. Backpacks aren’t that bad a gift, you could use the bulk backpacks as gifts and you would be saving a lot of money on the gifts. Moreover, you do not have to worry about spending a lot of time to search for the right gift. Good quality backpacks will make a good gift for all occasions.

Your kids will need new backpacks every year. You could save that excess supply of backpacks for the future so that you do not have to worry about price hikes and about long and tedious shopping process at least for the next few years.

There is yet another interesting way to put the surplus wholesale backpacks to use. Resell the excess supply and make some quick money. You could sell the backpacks to your friends and people in your neighborhood. You know for sure that they too are looking for good quality backpacks. If they could directly pick from you instead of ordering online and waiting for the backpacks to be delivered they would certainly prefer to order from you. There are so many other ways to make use of the surplus backpacks you have and you just need to be little creative.


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