If you check the metric thread tap , you will see some letters and numbers there, but what do the letters and numbers mean? Let's begin with the M10 part. The massive M means it is a metric thread tap. The 10 is the nominal outside diameter of the thread, in tech-speak the good diameter. Then it would be 10mm. If you take a look at it, you could see that it is a little bit under 10mm. It is normal for the outside diameter of a thread to be a little smaller more than its certain worth. Calculating the main diameter of a thread. M10 threads with different thread pitches 1.5 is the thread pitch - the spacing between one sharp little bit of a thread and the next one along, it's miles 1.5mm. The braking device on motorcycles is often a filed where finer thread pitches are used. If the bolt doesn't size it, test it properly; maybe you're using the proper pitch bolt. One final essential component to know is the interior diameter of a thread. For M10 x 1.50, t...